New Ideas

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    Gauge max and min for Apple Watch complication glances

    Matt2 · 0 · Posted

    Some kinds of Apple Watch complications can show a gauge with a max, min and current value. Include fields in the API for max and min for them.

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    Icon / Symbol for special messages

    Kretz Andreas · 2 · Last reply by Nick B

    I would like to ask for a new option I would like to use with pushover.

    i use pushover for my smarthome for receiving messages (e.g in or outside homezone, alarm system on off). But always getting a message in the startcenter ios is terrible... because u must click them away. Here is my idea:

    Maybe u could integrate an option that this status is displayed as a continual tray icon next to the clock (e.g special icon for homezone on/off, ...) and not as an message in the startcenter, until another message arrives for disable that symbol again. For

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    Filter function for the desktop version? · 0 · Posted

    what about implementing a filter function for the desktop version? 

    You already made this in the app, and its so helpful to find / filter notifications!

    thanks a lot!

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    Add Pushover as a share target on Android

    Editter · 1 · Last reply by Ingo

    Add Pushover as a push target so when you click share on Android you can select the app. It would also be great if you could select a specific app such as iOS, desktop, or even another group. 

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    Add "Delete" and "Mark read" options in Android notifications

    sdreelin · 0 · Posted

    If Android notifications contained the options to "Delete" or "Mark read" instead of just clicking on the message to open the app, you could quickly triage messages dismissing not so important ones. This would also add the ability to interact to some degree with the notifications from Wear OS as well as the lock screen or with notification mirroring in ChromeOS or Windows 10.

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    Add Section to store Favorites/Important/Pin message

    Federico · 1 · Last reply by Brian

    A new Section in the left panel called "Favorites" / "Important" / "Pin" message.

    Each message will have an icon to mark it or slide action.

    The reason is to easily read important message, and not scroll until I find the one I want to make an action or Search by text.

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    Official Desktop App?

    Zachary DuBois · 0 · Posted

    Will there be a macOS Catalina official Pushover client now that Catalyst makes it easy to convert an iOS app into a macOS app? This would be awesome considering both unofficial Pushover desktop apps are now unmaintained.

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    Wear OS Pushover app

    Nbalint · 5 · Last reply by Anders

    It would be great if the Pushover app for Android would be extended to support Wear OS and hence be possible to install it on Wear OS watches. This would make it easier to interact with the app.