facebook intergration as group app
I would like pushover to be able to send notifications to a facebook group.
I know there is an intergration the other way.
Trigger on facebook...action is a pushover notivication.
Ineed the oposite trigger action chain.
I what a pushover notivicaton to be re-transmitted to a facebook groub as a post.
Eksample of usage:
We have an alarm community. If an alarm goes off in one house, it activates all.
This is somewhat connedted with pushover events.
But we also haveĀ facebook group, and I would like a new group topic to start with each new event.
Where the uses quickly can debate the event and agree on action etc.
So..on the facebook group settings page under apps..I would like to find pushover...and the reversed trigger action chain..from pushover to facebook.
Could be pretty neat for may reasons.