How do I send messages to other users with Pushover?

For most Pushover users, you'll be receiving messages through applications and services that already support Pushover.  You'll input your Pushover User Key or go through the notification subscription process to receive notifications without having to enter a User Key.  You can also use our E-Mail Gateway to receive Pushover notifications from software and services that doesn't support Pushover, but which can send e-mail.

For developers or users wanting to send notifications to other users, you'll use our Message API to send notifications to other Pushover users.  Each user you want to send notifications to will need to have a Pushover account and will need to purchase the Pushover app for their device after a 30-day trial (or you will need to purchase it for them through a Teams subscription or by assigning a Licensing Credit).

Sending Messages to Yourself

After registering an application and receiving a Pushover API Token, you can send messages to your own Pushover User Key through our API from any HTTP library with your API Token and your User Key.

Sending Messages to a Team

Pushover for Teams makes it easy to send messages to your co-workers, employees, or other group of users.  You can centrally manage users without needing to worry about users buying the app.

Sending Messages to Your Partner/Co-Worker

If you have a small group of users that you need to send messages to, using a Delivery Group is often the easiest way to get started.

Sending Messages to Other Users

To send messages to other users you aren't associated with, you'll need to collect their Pushover User Key either through a Group-Based Subscription, a Web-Based Subscription, or by asking it for them manually.

After registering an application and receiving a Pushover API Token, you can send messages to the Group Key, or to each user's User Key that you have stored on your side.  Please see the linked articles for more information on how to do this.

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