Limitations on devices per account
Your Pushover account is permitted to have ten (10) devices registered to it that you own and/or primarily operate. Each device that is owned or primarily operated by a different person needs to be on its own Pushover account with its own license (though we'll look the other way if you share an account with your partner/spouse/kids/parents/pets).
When setting up Pushover on kiosk-type devices that are not operated by particular individuals, please create at least one Pushover account per site/store. These accounts are still limited to 10 devices per account.
To purchase Pushover licenses for other accounts and/or send messages to other accounts, please see these articles:
If you are an organization that needs centralized management of multiple accounts, please see our Pushover for Teams offering which simplifies licensing and organizing multiple users and groups.
If you are actually just one person that has really more than 10 devices that you need to add to your account, please contact support.