Add support for html href in messages so links can have a friendly names
Enable the sending of code like this:
<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools</a> so we can avoid displaying the long URL and have a friendly name.
Please add toggle buttons to enable/disable device
Please add toggle buttons to enable/disable devices within the application. It would be so convenient, now I need always to open the browser from my mobile phone and then manually click disable/enable.
Retry parameter below 30 seconds
If the retry parameter is below 30 seconds you could deliver the message regardless of the error and set the retry to 30 seconds. Delivering the message is more important. Also you could do it with other parameters.
Display image attachment in notification
Apologies if this is possible and I'm missing it, but it seems like it's currently not possible to display the image attachment in the notification itself.
I've set up a pushover api application for displaying notifications when an item is played on my plex media server. I'm sending the album cover art as an image attachment with the notification, but only the icon from my api app settings is displaying in the notification itself. This is for macOS.
I do see the image attachment if I look at the notification in the pushover client. But I'd love for it to
Android app not compatible with Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro
I can't use this service on my phone. This is the only app with this problem
different sound for certain sender email address (e-mail gateway)
I would like to see different sounds for different email sender adresses via the e-mail gateway. Or at least one "priority sender group" that plays a different sound upon notification.
Sometimes I have important phone calls while on the road - so it would be super convinient to have another "priority" sound when such a notification arrives (so I can return the call immediately). Another colleague gets important mails AND Etsy sales (that are much more important to him) via Pushover and would love the feature, too.
Thanks for considering.
can support for <br> be added?
I'd love to add line breaks. I mostly use curl, which doesn't seem to process the \n command well. So in my old notification tool, I used <br>, which was supported.
I know there is an HTML argument that needs to made, but it doesn't seem to support <br>
Remove Google Play Protect requirement
Google Play Protect is optional, Pushover doesn't need it, your company/developer/whoever explicitly included code checks for it so as to forcibly deny it from being installed in rooted devices such as mine.
Please remove this requirement. I paid for the app, have been using it for years, and definitely WANT my device rooted, because it's MY device, and *I* choose what *I* have access to and what *I* want do with it, up to and including backing up of everything at the system level.
Now, what you can do that isn't as anti-user as enabling Google Play Protect, is to
Create A Forwarder for Browser Notifications
I use a website that supports browser notifications but doesn’t have an iOS app. If I could somehow register my notifications with that website to your service and then receive them through Pushover…that would be so awesome!
the website I’m interested in is boardgamearena.com but I imagine there’s a slew of websites for which people would pay to enable notifications on their Apple device.
letters ä ö and ü.
Hi there, in Germany and some other countries, we use the letters ä ö and ü. Could you add this functionality? At the moment I get an error message when I want to send a string with one of these letters. Thanks a lot!
Android Share image
If you receive a notification containing an image on Android, die image is displayed and you can click on it to show it larger (with zoom option), but there is no way to save/share this image to other apps.
Would be nice if this was added (as it's also available on iOS).
Actionable notifications
It would be great if Pushover could have "actionable" notifications - i.e. notifications with a number of actions that can be chosen in response, each of which can do something - such as call a URL, run a shortcut, etc.
This way, it would greatly increase the usability of Pushover from just a notification system to a system that can enable two-way interaction with the calling service.
This would be similar to the Actionable Notifications provided by the Home Assistant Companion App.
As an example, you might receive a push notification saying that something has happened, like movement detected. The
More notification sounds on iOS
Some apps like WhatsApp have access to iOS tones - why doesn't pushover? Why is pushover restricted to the tones in bundles itself with?
Preview sounds
In your API at https://pushover.net/api#sounds
you sensibly have a play(preview) link next to each sound since nobody wants to add a sound without hearing it first.
The same principal applies to end users! But the API only allows me to get a list with no way to preview.
Consider exposing your sounds so I can preview from my app just like you do in the API doc.
a)Easiest would be to expose the mp3's on your site so I can preview sound 'pushover' by playing https://pushover.net/sounds/pushover.mp3 ( or similar)
b) Or, If you are worried about abuse then add another Sound API
Presence of Gmail "shortcut" suppresses Chrome browser notifications on MacOS
I was unable to get desktop Chrome browser notifications to work at all -- even after deleting the devices, cookies, preferences, you name it -- until I removed the Gmail browser-application/shortcut from Chrome. I was also forced to reset to defaults in the Preferences / Advanced settings.
It seems that somehow the presence of the second instance of Chrome completely confuses Apple's Notification center. It's all good to go now.
Feature Request: Apply Different Notification Sounds for Different Apps
Please allow different app using different notification sound. For example: if app website crash, app payment received and app IFTTT could use 3 different notification sounds, that would be super useful.