Actionable notifications

A similar request (same subject) was declined in past because of missing support in iOS, but it seems to be possible to implement in iOS now.

I came across other 2 competing apps that support this functionality also on iOS, I also tested that. It is possible to add multiple action buttons in notification with custom names. These actions may call URL or make a HTTP request (e.g. POST request). Unfortunately Pushover misses this functionality (probably only this one, I have no other reasons to go with competitors).

Would you check it please, it seems it is now possible to implement this in iOS, too.

Also let me know if you would like to know more details, but I did not want to link any competitors publicly.

6 replies


The big problem for me with this approach is the tab opening in the browser, not sure if there is a way to avoid this?


That would be super practical, to have proper action buttons. Then you could directly trigger actions from a message. The small clickable links within the text aren’t very practical.

This is basically the same idea as this one: Ability to add more urls / turn them into buttons in UI


That would be super practical, to have proper action buttons. Then you could directly trigger actions from a message. The small clickable links within the text aren’t very practical.

See also the higher ranged idea: Actionable notifications

Here's an example of how it is meant visually:



Definitely a must have for me, that's the only concerne I have to switch from pure homeassistant notifications to pushover, actionable notifications are  something to have


Yes, this is definitely possible now. Would love this to be implemented as I could have family members receive much more user friendly notifications.

Ability to add more urls / turn them into buttons in UI

Right now `url` and `url_title` will create a small blue link in the Pushover (iOS) UI. I can add more links using HTML (a href, heck perhaps make them bigger using h1/h2), but I cannot turn them into full sized buttons native-looking buttons, which are in my opinion more convenient.