
Heartbeats for Pushover

Please consider adding heartbeat functionality for Teams accounts.

This would, IMHO bring you up the next level of robustness needed for some businesss.

Simply you provide a 'heartbeat' url, which your customer polls every say, one minute, if the url has not been accessed in five minutes, a message or SMS is sent warning the user the heartbeat has expired, and their monitoring system may be down.

2 replies

This feature is now available for Pushover for Teams members.  Please contact us to try it out before general release.

Notification when an expected Pushover message is missing - a heartbeat monitor.

I am using Pushover with a Raspberry Pi that controls an irrigation system. I get a notification when one of the zones is active as a way to verify that the system is operating. When I notice no messages, then I need to check on the Raspberry Pi and reboot. The flaw is having me be the watchdog and notice when the messages stop. 

What I really need is a monitor on the Pushover messages that alerts me when one hasn't been received for a certain number of hours. A heartbeat monitor. 

Please give this some consideration. 



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