Enable receipt/callback for non-critical alerts

There seem to be options to provide "delivery receipt" callbacks and also cancel messages, but these seem to only apply to emergency priority messages.

Can this functionality be extended to all message priorities to enable better notification management and the ability to perform actions if notifications aren't received, timeout, or if you want to clear a notification down once the issue is resolved.

1 reply


Please please please implement this, it would be a game changer.  I understand android and IOS notifications may present challenges with this, as I imagine it could be difficult to remove a notification that has already fired on a handset, but even if you could only show the update in the app it would be a game changer.  90% of the notifications I have going through Pushover, already have an associated "cleared" notification with them, for when the alert no longer requires action, but they are so hard to tie together visually.  This is the *only* issue I have with Pushover, otherwise I love it, but unfortunately this item alone is making me look for alternatives.