
Option to have "Critical Alerts" on iOS for emergency-priority messages only (not high-priority and emergency-priority as it is now)

I really like the Critical Alerts option now available in the iOS client. However, I'd really only like it to happen on messages that I've sent as Emergency Priority. I have a lot of existing infrastructure that uses High Priority messages for things that need attention, but aren't life interrupting emergencies like, well, emergency priority messages. Perhaps others like the Critical Alerts on High Priority messages as well, so it'd be great to pick which priority level is considered a critical alert.

4 replies

This option is now available in our latest Test Flight beta.


Yes the current setup right now makes no sense. I want critical alerts for emergencies, and "high prio" time sensitive. I do not want to have only these two options: 1. everything is completely silenced by do not disturb settings (that do allow time sensitive alerts but normal notifications aren't time sensitive), and 2. critical alerts that will go off even when the mute button is flipped.

The priorities are already there, link emergency to the "iOS critical" notification, and link high priority to time sensitive please.


Hard agree on this one. It's pretty easy to see what the best pattern might be here:

Priority 2 - Critical Alerts
Priority 1 - Time Sensitive
Priority 0 - Normal


This is a no brainer. There is no need for two levels of critical alert priority with no levels of time sensitive.

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