New Apps View: Source last message summary should optionally include message title

The New App View (at least in iOS) has a Applications pane which lists the Applications and a summary of the last message body.

I propose to make the last message summary 

  • include the message title, if there are varying titles,
  • or configurable to include the title,
  • or include the the title is not the same as the app name.

I have apps there like "Uptime Robot" which always has the message title "Uptime Robot" (same as app title, no variations), there it makes sense to have the Applications pane be like "<Application>" "<Last Message>".

However I have also apps where the message title is different each time, e.g. an App. "Our Components Release News" with different message titles for different apps and versions like title:"mySpecialApp: new Version a.b.c" and message body "Here is the changelog...". This results in an App pane summary like: "Our Components Release News" "Here is the changelog" without mentioning the relevant app as that is only in the dropped title.