Do Not Disturb in App on Application Level


the new Do not Disturb Feature in the App is very nice. But much nicer would be if each Application in the App had its own Do not Disturb button. Then, I could e.g. mute an Application for 2 hours where I know someone is working on it and is triggering alarms. This would make my nights much better...



7 replies


i came to share this idea. I agree with you.


Was searching for this exact feature - sometimes, for all types of real world reasons, some apps just get noisy for a while and need to be muted! But still need other apps to continue to notify.

is there anywhere else this is being tracked or developed etc?



Came here to make the same suggestion. This would be an amazing feature.  Sometimes I just want to mute individual applications for a couple of hours or even overnight without compromising the others, and sometimes I just want to keep an eye on a particular application with notifications some days, and have it work like a log the rest of the time.


Totally agree. Consider a person who is associated with several organisations who use PushOver. That person may be on vacation from their main job but may want to still receive notifications from the server they run for their local football team, church, or charity.


Came here to post this. I really really really need this! Would allow me to silence a noisy app while making sure other apps can send their critical notifications if they need to


Can't believe this doesn't exist yet. Just got spammed all night from my old company's alerting with no way to turn it off.


Is there any news on this?    once a college is at home and i turn on the sound he also receives the notifications on his day off