
Preview sounds

In your API at https://pushover.net/api#sounds

you sensibly have a play(preview) link next to each sound since nobody wants to add a sound without hearing it first.

The same principal applies to end users!  But the API only allows me to get a list  with no way to preview.

Consider exposing your sounds so I can preview from my app just like you do in the API doc.

a)Easiest would be to expose the mp3's on your site so I can preview sound 'pushover' by playing https://pushover.net/sounds/pushover.mp3   ( or similar)

b) Or,  If you are worried about abuse then add another Sound API call parameter so that 

https://api.pushover.net/1/sounds.json?token=(your app token)&preview=true

will add a hard to guess play/preview link to each item

c) Or,  Allow developers to download a zip of your sounds so we can build a local preview

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