Generating a bug/crash report on iPhone and iPad

Bug Report

If you are experiencing a bug in our Pushover app, the first step is to reproduce the problem.  If you can't reproduce it, we probably can't either and won't be able to fix it.

Once you are able to reproduce the problem, tap the menu icon in the Pushover app, then tap Settings, then scroll down and tap Resolve a Problem.  Scroll down to the bottom and tap contact our support.  Choose "Bug report - iPhone/iPad app" as the request type and then include all of the relevant information in the Message field such as your steps for reproducing the problem.

Debug Logs

If you've been asked by Pushover support to send debug logs, tap the menu icon in the Pushover app, then tap Settings, then scroll down and tap Resolve a Problem.  Tap the menu button in the upper right corner, then tap Send Debug Info.  You may want to follow up with Pushover support to let us know you've sent them so we can correlate them with your problem report.

Crash Report

If you are unable to open the Pushover app, or not enough information was found in the debugging logs sent previously, you may be asked to generate a full crash report.

Locate analytics data
  1. Reproduce the issue that you’re seeing which causes Pushover to crash.
  2. Open the main Settings app and tap Privacy, then Analytics & Improvements at the bottom.
  3. Tap Analytics Data and you'll see a list of all crashes for all applications on your device.  Scroll down to Pushover and tap on the newest crash timestamp.  Tap the share button in the upper right corner, and e-mail the file to
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